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bland gland

the organ that causes hack writers to have banality boners

His writing is the result of an overactive bland gland

by Wally Keeler February 8, 2009


A poet who writes blasphemous poetry

That poet has committed apoetasy against religion.

by Wally Keeler February 8, 2009


A committee of poets who decide who gets published.

I sent my poems to the poetburo of the Imagine Nation for consideration for publication

by Wally Keeler February 8, 2009


The leader of a rhyme family or gemre

Shakespeare was the poetriarch of the Elizabethan rhyme family

by Wally Keeler March 7, 2009

Prima Dogma

The highest religious officials

The Pope is the prima dogma of Catholicism
Mohammed is the prima dogma of Islam
Buddha is the prima dogma of Buddhism

by Wally Keeler February 8, 2009

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rhyme schemantra

continuous application of a rhyme scheme

While in a Zen trance he began to recite his poetic rhyme schemantra

by Wally Keeler March 6, 2009

rhyme schemantra

sonnet construction by Zen masters

The Zen masters constructed all their sonnets with the same rhyme schemantra.

by Wally Keeler March 7, 2009

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