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A group of people which keeps getting worse as generations go on. This generation's teens listen to pretty crappy music like 50 Cent and Good Charlotte. They also tend to have no minds of their own. They're getting fatter and fatter and fatter... Yeah, there are some decent teenagers... Not enough though.

Teen 1: I'M SO KeWl LoL i LiKe BoUgHt ThIs HoT tOpIc ShIrT wItH aN aNaRcHy SyMbOl On It 4 $20!!!!!!111!!!one!!!@@11! lOl

Teen 2: i m koolr cuz i gawt da new 50 cent cd w/ tha eXpLiCiT lyrics lol i can lissen 2 him rap a bout fuking grrls lololol he roxxors!

If you are a teenager reading this and haven't lost your mind yet, do anything you can to save yourself. God bless thee.

by Wandering Freak June 22, 2005

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