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"Put, It's the verbal Planking"

Put: is a growing trend where people just say "Put" at random times, places, and in sentences where it doesn't normally belong.

Just like "Planking" It is meant to be confusing and silly. Originally it was used by itself randomly to confuse people, but it can also replace any word in a sentence, it can be a declaration or exclamation, it can even take the place of a curse word.

People will often upload pictures of themselves writing PUT in public places. Video's have emerged of people saying Put in clever places.

Ex: 1 "dude, that chick fell right on her put."

Ex: 2 "put" or "PUT!!!"

Ex: 3 "What the PUT is going on here?"

Ex: 4 "put put put"

Ex: 5

Guy 1: "dude, what are you doing?"

Guy 2: " oh you know, put."

by Warden Walsh November 23, 2011

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