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A very fun table-top strategy game involving miniature that the player collects and paints. While it may be a bit overpriced, Games Workshop is only raising prices like any other company would. It's called supply and demand. As the demand for warhammer goes up, and the supply needs to be raised to keep up with the soaring demand, prices are going to be raised, naturally. What with inflation and all, this is to be expected. If the demand drops for some reason, obviously the price will drop as well. I swear, if everyone in the world were forced to take an Economics 101 class, half the world's problems would be solved. Anyways, despite some people's assessments of the game, it is not "simple" by any stretch of the imagination. Having rules that are not too complex, for both versions of the game, prevents arguements over rules and lets players get to the important part: the game. Despite having fairly easy to understand rules, the game's strategies and tactics can be as deep, complex, and cunning or as simple, unthought out, and easy as you like. And, as I said earlier, though the game is fairly expensive, it is one of the most rewarding gaming experiences, since you have to take the time to raise the cash, buy the models, assemble them (converting as desired), and paint them all uniquely. In a nerdy sort of way, your army is an extension of yourself and your personality on the tabletop. In short: This game rocks!

Oh crap, another SMurf newbie with a land raider.

by Wargamer April 28, 2004

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