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A great porno site with the same format as Youtube. No need to download, just click and watch! Features full-length porn that last up to 30 minutes. Chicks on videos are usually hot, but Italian or French. One thing that sucks about it is they seperate some videos into parts, which are to be released on another day.

Redtube is a good pornsite.

by Wasabimoto July 29, 2008

624πŸ‘ 432πŸ‘Ž


Boring-ass people who do nothing but boring crap. Especially the hardcore christians. They do not play fun games like GTA, or other games that have violence. They do not like scary holloween masks, they do not watch gorey movies like SAW. They just watch gay shows like 7th Heaven and Aurther. They probobly watch The 700 Club too.

My ex-freind was Christan. He had a video game called Olympic Winter Sports for Gamecube and actually called it fun. He was not allowed to play Super Smash Brothers Melee. What a goddamn dork. Damn christians.

by Wasabimoto April 12, 2007

157πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž


A short, human-like creature. Apperantley, they are the gods of geeks everywhere. One is particular, is named Frodo. A hobbit who goes on a gaytastic quest to destroy a finger ring given to him by his molesting unvle, Gandalf. The ring lets you lurn invisible, which should have been used to spy on some dark-age sluts. Back to hobbits. hobbits have really hairy feet, often ridiculed on magazines such as MAD and the now dead CRACKED!

Geek: "What the hell? Why is Frodo's best friend, who is a hobbit, licking Frodo's feet? Oh no, I got the porno insted of the actual movie! I think I'll just watch a little longer....."

by Wasabimoto March 26, 2007

18πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Mr. Meaty

Mr. Meaty is a weird-ass show about ugly-ass puppets that work at a fast food resturant. The puppets are totally ugly. And the girl puppets are so damn creepy looking. In one episode, one girl had hert nose replaced with a rotting sausage that looked like a cock after her nose was destroyed. Pretty soon, food noses became the latest fashion.

Mr. Meaty is fucking full of guano.

by Wasabimoto March 27, 2007

78πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž

Pussy Quack

1.Another name for a female Golduck, a pokemon.

2.A queef.

1. Hey, no more pussy quacks, I don't want any air going up my dick.

2. Yes! I just caught a Golduck!!! I think I'll name it Pussy Quack!!!!

by Wasabimoto March 29, 2007

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

The Liquid Seat

A sex act that two or three people do while having sex. One person lays down flat on their back, while the second person cums on the first person's face. After ejaculating on the face, the second person sits on the face. This causes the spooge to smear all over his/her buttcrack, buttcheeks, or butthole. afterwards, he/she continues to pleasure the first person to finish the job.

Guy 1: "Holy fuck! You gave her the Liquid Seat last night after prom? That's disgusting!"

Guy 2: "Yep, but it felt good once she started licking my asshole once I sat on her face."

by Wasabimoto April 20, 2007

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

jimmy neutron

Some genius kid who has a shit swirl as a hairdo. Whenever he tries to explain something that is impossible, some gay faggot starts singing, overlapping the conversation. (example: when Jimmy tries to explain how he's breathing in space, the fatfuck Carl starts singing his ass off, covering up what jimmy is saying.) He has a robotic dog that can do anything, from flying like a helicopter to extracting stem cells from it's victims.

It's a plane! It's a bird! It's Superman! Oh, no wait....it's just Jimmy Neutron with that shitswirl hairdo on his head.

by Wasabimoto March 26, 2007

150πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž