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You forgot Poland

A sad excuse for an arguement given by a incumbant President trying desperatly to escape his dismal record.

While a "You forgot Poland" comment seems true, in reality the event never actually happened in the first place.

A "You forgot Poland" comment is weak and a sign of desperation because even if it *did* happen as claimed, it would still be a really weak and practically meaningless point.

Person A: "Secondly, when we went in, there were three countries: Great Britain, Australia and the United States. That's not a grand coalition. We can do better."

Person B: "Well, actually, he forgot Poland"

(Person B has failed to realize that Poland was not actually in the group that "went in". Only in August of 2003 did Poland finally send troops, and it really had no effect anyway, merely a token, noncombat force.)

by Watchful Eye October 1, 2004

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