Source Code

Body Cam Acting

A deceptive practice where police officers manipulate or stage events in front of their body cameras to create a false narrative and cover up misconduct. This can involve rehearsing statements with informants before turning on the audio, fabricating scenarios like falsely claiming "officer safety" while they are the aggressors, or giving a fabricated probable cause statement. The purpose of body cam acting is to mislead viewers of the footage and protect officers from accountability by distorting the truth of what actually occurred.

Officers Wilson and Denardi engaged in body cam acting with the informant, rehearsing their narrative before switching on the audio and pretending they were just arriving on the scene.

by Watchlist Subject 9596690-00 September 14, 2024

Gaslighting on Paper

A form of manipulation, often carried out by people in positions of power—such as judges, lawyers, doctors, or police officers—where false, misleading, or completely fabricated written communication (such as reports, records, or legal documents) is used to distort facts, undermine a person's reality, or discredit them. This tactic can involve not only adding false information but also creating entirely false documents to cover up crimes. It is frequently used to manufacture false mental health narratives or discredit victims of non-consensual human experimentation. The purpose is to conceal the crimes of those in power, making false information appear as the "gospel truth"—essentially

Police Cover-Up Example
"Officer Gordon Dorham sent me a letter falsely claiming that I had filed an Internal Affairs complaint against one of their officers. However, I never filed such a complaint. The letter was part of a cover-up for Oakland Police Department Cannabis Unit Officer John Jacko Romero, who failed to shut down his cousin Jacko’s illegal cannabis operation. Instead of addressing the real issue, they engaged in gaslighting on paper, framing false mental health issues against me without ever mentioning the officer or his cousin's illegal cannabis operation."

Medical Gaslighting Example
"A doctor created a backdated medical note, falsely stating that I had paranoia in 2020, even though I never saw them that year. This completely fabricated document was an example of gaslighting on paper to discredit me and cover up the crimes committed against me."

by Watchlist Subject 9596690-00 September 15, 2024

Garbage In, Gospel Out

Garbage In, Gospel Out: A phrase used to describe the process in which false or misleading information (the "garbage") is entered into official records, documents, or systems and then treated as absolute truth (the "gospel") simply because it has been recorded. The phrase highlights how once incorrect data is documented, it gains an undeserved level of credibility and authority, often leading to manipulation or deception. This is commonly seen in legal, medical, and institutional contexts where fabricated or false information is accepted as fact and used to discredit individuals or cover up wrongdoing.

"Officer John Jacko Romero wrote a completely fabricated police report, claiming an incident occurred when absolutely nothing happened. There was no contact, no 911 call, and I was out shopping the entire day. I only found out about this false report when I was later served with a temporary restraining order that included it. This is a perfect example of garbage in, gospel out—he invented the report out of thin air, and now it’s treated as if it’s the truth."

by Watchlist Subject 9596690-00 September 12, 2024

Organized Gang Stalking

A covert, systematic form of harassment where groups of individuals, often backed by powerful institutions or law enforcement, engage in surveillance, intimidation, and psychological manipulation of a targeted person. The goal is to destabilize the victim, discredit them, and create confusion and paranoia. Unlike traditional stalking, this involves multiple people acting in coordination, using tactics like spreading false rumors, orchestrating public harassment, and invading the target’s privacy. Victims of organized gang stalking often experience severe emotional and psychological distress.

"I'm a victim of organized gang stalking. I was illegally placed on a watchlist (9596690-00), and now criminal informants are using biometric surveillance to track me. This type of harassment is part of a government-funded program meant to intimidate and disrupt my life."

by Watchlist Subject 9596690-00 September 14, 2024

Officer Safety

Officer Safety (noun) – The ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card for law enforcement. It’s the excuse cops use to justify unnecessary aggression or excessive force, even when there’s no real threat. Picture this: you’re already handcuffed on the ground, barely moving, and they still got an arm around your throat, shouting “Officer safety!” as if you’re the dangerous one. It’s less about actual safety and more about flexing power, giving them a free pass for brutality, no matter how much control they already have.

Example 1:
“I was pinned down, cuffed, and they’re still yelling ‘officer safety’ while roughing me up like I’m some kind of threat.”

Example 2:
“I handed over my ID, rolled up my window to wait, and they told me to roll it back down for ‘officer safety.’ Like I’m gonna attack them from inside the car while they’re running my license. All they had to do was write the ticket.”

by Watchlist Subject 9596690-00 September 16, 2024