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Satanism is totally found to be wrong but it does not mean that some satanist is going to burn the church, kill animals or children, or perform a sconce. Its believed that Satan in greek is Hades lord of the sinners, undead, the underworld, fallen and also brother of Zeus aka Jesus which shows to many its possible they are brothers just they don't like each others ways.

Satan is found to have swept Pershepone off her feet and woe her and she became goddess of the afterlife or dead left behind but she also had three daughters. Named Artemistrea who is the goddess princess of those ghosts wandered the land of Sihde or land of undead and will turn any who do not obey her into stone, Esemera the youngest is the coldest, harshest, meanest, most wicked daughter and is the winged warrior that will throw scurging balls of fire and pain inflicting sores and ripping of the flesh those condemed in hell and does not take a sorry, Estwe Serini is the most beautiful some say she is the real white witch or winters angel with the power of winter, water, fire, and healing, prayer, song, & charm she makes the fallen themselves go to rest, she has the scent of a sea of flowers which tends to lead angels into her traps and she is the guarder of the children of hell she is known to be much like Pershepone to not cause pain she is proberly the sweetest out of all in She'Ol, but she was scent to earth to find a mortal man to love since she said no to the demons and had struck many immortal gods to grief. Artemistrea is known to cause war in men, affairs, and conflict with deaths punishment she is also a spreader of horrible deaths she is known to be a soul stealer. Esemera is known to spread sickness upon the living and debt but with the ability to travel between worlds she causes lots of damage, Estwe Serini is to wander among ghosts stuck behind and if she where to be among the living children are known to be attracted to her and that she would do good but deep down she likes to be in a fuss with the good ones. Satan also does not tell of where exactly his entery is or if there is one or the greeks never mentioned he was a father, or that Pershepone had a mortal sister who was turned immortal named Jarleena meaning disturbance of dreams who causes nightmares and untold stories within children, or which both Mother Nature and the Spirit of Death are workers for both sides good and evil.

Hell is to have nine levels each one with a specific punishment. The higher levels are wear flesh is ripped, the most fowel smells, and smoldering inflicts of pain. The Lowest said to be very cold, some lose the memory, some can't feel the pain only sorrow, or that those idoling their eyes are ripped out and eaten and their heads are turned and sewed on backwards according to Dante. There are five rivers (Acheron, Stynx, Lethe, Eridanos, Phlegethon) And woe is to be a lake of pure coldness that sadness is to be cold.

Halloween is said to be the birthday of Satan but really Hallow means empty referring to the Hallow's Eve means Eve taking from the tree of knowledge making sin enter man and that therefore the day of darkness which foretells that the Garden of Eden was banished and Adam and Eve left the Garden

Note: This is partially stories passed down or belifs told by others. Its your mind to think its fake or true.

"Satanism is luciferism"
"Satanism is a god damn myth"

by Waverly hills angel August 15, 2007

9👍 84👎


Goths are not envy people, we don't hate everybody, most are writers, painters, poets, skateboarders, or in their own band. Most goths still wear black, studded jewerly, black eye liner, and bright makeup, skulls, snakes, Hot Topic, HIM, FOB, AFI, Pantera, some don't wear those maybe because sometimes Hot Topic can be expensive very much the goth look is money, so some have to go non-goth look but that doesn't mean they are not goth. Told by a friend I was told by a group I'm with that you are only goth at heart if you love talking of death in sad or sweet way, ghost loving, ninjas, vampires, werewolves, black, snakes, talking of pyschopaths, obessed about things on the dark side and that you don't have to dress goth to be one. Goths can be satanics (satanics also do not hate everyone, wear black or are haters of other churches or religious views they just think the good guy sucks, but that doesn't mean they don't love people or people that go to church, they just hate light proberly or angelical things or just hate the whole church idea) goths also can not be one but its not like they don't mention the Anti-Christ or devil or a demon once in awhile, goths tend to swear alot or have weird ways of talking. Goths love metal, emotive hardcore, punk, or a ruff band like Incubus, Pantera, FOB, My Chemical Romance etc. Also are very much like emos except they are not as emotional instead they are very happy and tend to be less about cutting or suicide thoughts but more on the topic of death but not killing themselves just being funny about death. Or about some Steven King movie or about a place that is haunted.
3: Goths usually believe in athesim, satanism, occults, witchcraft, orbs, ghosts, the whole afterlife, believe in a hell. Even tho each religion above has had ruff views and a past witchcraft just comes from the term wiccan which means :Mother nature or norishment to the earth, and really they only believe in the doctorine of healing, medicine, and provided good crop and fortune to nature they are not a devil's messenger or are gonna kill everyone, athesim well no comment but athiest's are very nice people, and ghosts well most goths say they love a certain haunted place or have seen a ghost and love the whole spooky thing. And satanism is from :Satan & a form of which, that yea most think they lit candles, perform an evil sconce, and so forth but really they also have been in the past to show that out of bad also comes good and good can sometimes be bad, and that some also interact with the church of Christ.
4: For example some back thru 1300 to 1800s believed that maybe satan was the brother of Christ in one scripture it foretold that he once was the highest angel and according to greek mythology that Zeus aka today referred also to Jesus his brother was Hades aka Satan and that they were the brothers with total enemies against each other. The eurines or winged beings are angel and the Defalurus the de-faulted or the failers that descened into She'Ol the old term for Hell or the underworld.
5: gothism is also from a german branch the gothic church
6: Gothism is referred also to Goti ghosts of the abyss
7: goth is a fashion started in somewhere in late 60s but spread in the 80s punk
9: Some just cannot comphrehend to think what goth is

"Gimme me shoes gosh damit, a ninja is not good without balance."

"I'm goth but I'm not so shallow"

"I am not goth"

"Goth people are hot"

by Waverly hills angel August 15, 2007

6👍 39👎