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found in the habitats of cento in western towns of Sydney, known to only eat hash cookies and meth..

the biggest known enemy to the lads are

- the 'employment'

the 'no cunt get your own ciggies'

usually asleep till their Tupac alarm goes off on their stolen or fake iPhones,

then they proceed to gabber and cone on till around 2pm.

like the marsupial - they will tend to stay with their mother till their 30s

While living with their mother they will wait till she has recently found something useful which is known as 'pay day'

In this case the lad will 'eshay' all over the place partaking in majority of the mothers 'pay day'

Most likely purchasing new tn's and "paying back" with their dole

The physical description of a LAD would be described as having a fake adidas/Nike bum bag that would have been purchased from the markets or the dollar shop, will have nice new looking (in most cases) FAKE Nike tn shoes,

will be recognisable by having their Tupac songs blaring from their loud speaker on their stolen iPhones

Found wearing Nike/adidas white hats with a pony tail or rats tail.

The language in which the LAD speaks are "LADDISH" common phrases of a LAD mating call would consist of "eshays", "brah", "cuz", "got a ciggie?" "I just got a new pipe"

It is not forbidden to run a LAD over with the bumper bar of your fourbie and keep driving, after driving over them, it is advised that you reverse back over them to finish the job
Leave no lads standing

*Lad answeres phone - "yeh nah oi.... bruzz nah oi... brahhh oi yeh nah I'm just at cento going for an advanced payment, they fucking owe me heaps ay, then I can pay off my ticker and put the next oscar on tick. Be fucking mad"

by Waynoh November 17, 2016