Source Code


1. To delete something in a document/train of thought.

2. The physical act of taking something down--usually via a quick and dirty method.

3. A organized walk-out, usually union sanctioned, with the goal of gaining better working conditions.

1. No, strike that. That's not what I meant.

2. Allright, let's strike this bitch so we can all go get drunk.

3. Passerby: What's with the signs?

Workers: We're on strike till we get paid a decent wage!

by We'll sleep when we're dead. December 28, 2005

40👍 42👎


1. (noun) Term originating during the late 1960s for members of drug subculture. Can refer to any sort of user, but was originally most associated with the use of psychotropic substances like mescaline, LSD and DMT.

2. (interjection) Backstage jargon: When something is accidentally dropped from the lighting grid/fly loft, a shout of "HEADS!" alerts crew working below. Like shouting "fore" in golf--except with a 30 lb. spotlight instead of a 6 oz. golfball.

1. Stoner 1: Hey, do you think the that old guy who sells bootleg CDs down at the flea market could hook us up?

Stoner 2: Oh yeah, he's a total old-school head!

2. HEADS! *loud crash*

by We'll sleep when we're dead. December 29, 2005

289👍 130👎


Pittsburghese: An Iron City beer. Neat slang. Lousy beer.

"Joe, let's go to da bar dahntawn an git a few arns."

by We'll sleep when we're dead. December 29, 2005

35👍 14👎

We'll sleep when we're dead.

Unofficial stagehand/techie motto.

Techie 1: How long is this call gonna last?

TD: As long as it takes. If we're here at midnight and it's not done, we keep going.

Techie 2: It's OK, we'll sleep when we're dead.

by We'll sleep when we're dead. December 29, 2005

36👍 11👎


Backstage slang: The small square-headed nut on the side of a C-clamp used to hang a light from a bar. Secures the light so it won't swing side to side. So called because they are easy to over-tighten, snapping the nut and making the clamp useless.

Stagehand: Fuck! I busted the fucking fucknut!

Lead Electrician: *sigh* get a new clamp from storage and swap it out... fast.

by We'll sleep when we're dead. December 28, 2005

70👍 49👎