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A really vile slur referring to gay males. It's a word that plays a significant role in many suicides and frankly shouldn't be used in any context. In the way that society is advancing you'll be looked down on deservedly for using this term. It traces back to bundles of sticks which is essentially suggesting that gay people aren't anything more than firewood.

To a gay person: "You faggot!"

Which either means: "I'm gay but extremely insecure about it so I might as well shove hell down the throats of all the people who are more confident than me, enough so that they can accept who they love," "I legitimately hate gay people because they love the same gender as themselves even though it doesn't affect me and I'd like to see them die because they disgust me and the world is all about my likes," or "I'm incredibly ignorant and cannot see how my use of this word might stir traumatic experiences in other people or insult them or make them feel worthless. And maybe they'll kill themselves but its just important that I called my friend a faggot for being foolish and weak."

by Wearing.It.On.My.Sleeve February 25, 2015

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