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to have your charm or charisma working at full capacity; ain't no stoppin' ya now, especially with reference to scoring with a chick. You can't say or do anything wrong; your charismatic appeal is at peak level.

Talking to the foxy trollop at the end of the bar and trying to get to home plate was like placing a stick of butter in a microwave! She melted, and was up my ass like a proctologist on Monday morning!!! I guess I had my mojo rising that night!

by Weave November 2, 2003

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

it's all academic

all but over; the outcome is a given or certainty; a done deal

After Tyson's uppercut to his adversary, it was all academic!

by Weave March 20, 2003

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


an individual classified as trailer park, inbred, white trash OR any white trash person (ya know, toothless or in possession of some teeth, usu. stained, greasy hair, sporting mullets, wearing Marlboro or WWF/Nascar T-Shirts or wife beaters, etc.

Look at that beer-sippin', finger-flippin' piece of trailer park trash...what a rock!!!

by Weave March 21, 2003

9πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

ass clown

an unmitigated fool or jerk; a sad sack; a tool or goof.

Let's face it, the guy's an ass clown!

by Weave March 19, 2003

351πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž


an abnormally small runion; a minuscule
Adjectival Variant: Microphallic

In a valiant effort to add length and girth to my microphallus, I did just as my friend suggested -- I tied a 20-pound dumbbell around my member and tossed it out the window. In retrospect, I think the suction pump might have worked better.

by Weave September 21, 2003

22πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Syphilitic Abortion Of A Mongolian Truck Fuck

One is brain-dead, useless, jabronified, not worth the epidermal layer covering one's body; a waste of space.

Are you sure you want to marry that tool? It appears as though he may be the genetic by-product from the syphilitic abortion of a Mongolian truck fuck! Gimme a break, please!

by Weave March 25, 2003

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


(adjective): extremely windy or flatulent, as pertains to the emission of flatulatory vapors via the rectum.

After my girlfriend's visit to Taco Bell and consuming 4 cheese burritos and 2 cups of chili, she was, to say the least, formidably physagogue! She smelled worse than a shithouse door on a tuna boat!!

by Weave September 18, 2003

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