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Can be used as an intensifier / for emphasis, or meaning 'completely' / 'thoroughly' / 'totally' combined with adjectives. Probably used only in London and parts of the South East of England.

“That was a proper good arse-kicking mate. Let's go to the pub and get a pint to celebrate.”

Note: The equivalent in the North of England is 'well', as in “We're well fucked now” meaning completely / totally / 100% fucked, i.e. in trouble / danger or we have no options after something has gone wrong. Another example (N. England only) “she was well pissed" (with stress in 'well') meaning she was very drunk. (Important: never meaning “angry" in Britain as in the US, although England does have the common “(be) pissed-off" meaning “mildly annoyed” and "Piss off!" meaning "go away!").

That was a proper good arse-kicking mate. Let's go to the pub and get a pint to celebrate

by Webrumāros June 26, 2017

69👍 16👎


A load of nonsense talk, or an amount of excrement, or rarely an adjective meaning that somehting is completely rubbish. In Britain, the form ‘shite’ is confined to the North of England, possibly used in Scotland too. ‘Haddaway and shite’ is a famous Newcastle-upon-Tyne area (Geordie, North East of England) dialect saying. You'll have to ask a native speaker exactly what this fine phrase means.

She was talking complete and utter shite again. No change there.

That holiday was completely shite, serves him right for being such a cheap twat. Cheap holidays and brides, both bad news, never ‘good value’.

He fell down a hole into a sewer or septic tank and came out all covered in shite.

Haddaway and shite! Typical Geordie instruction.

by Webrumāros March 19, 2018

1👍 1👎


Short for wireless access point. A box of radio equipment with antennae inside it. sometimes you can see them sticking out, sometimes they are hidden inside. Ignorant people think this is something to do with the Internet. It isn't. A WAP connects your _wired_ local area network to one (or more) wireless networks which it broadcasts (emits) in your house, and has nothing at all to do with the internet. It's just that accessing the Internet is a main activity; any WAP will work even if you have no internet connection at all, and then computers both on your wired network and wireless computers and other devices etc can all talk to one another through the WAP. If you have a garbage wireless internet router, then get several WAPsand place them wherever you want to get better signal range, speed and reliability. Do yourself a favour. Some utter lying twat ISPs try and make out that they ‘have the best wireless signal’ which is just garbage and they think we are all fools. Snyone can have good or bad wireless local area LAN setup, it's just about getting the good WAPs and parking them in the right places, nothing to do with internet at all. The ISP’s job is to get stuff in and out of the house down a copper (or very rarely, if you are lucky, fttp ‘fibre to the premises’ fibre optic) link. Getting good WAPs, several if you need to, is your way out of the hellish crap kit that your cheapo wank ISP happened to dump onto you.

God this wireless router from TurdCo Internet is just a pile of dogshit. I have to mend my ways and spend a small amount of cash on getting some decent WAPs and parking them about the place.

by Webrumāros March 19, 2018

21👍 2👎

laughing stock

The country formerly known as the United States of America post Nov 2016. Means state of ridicule being suffered by association by a once proud and accomplished great nation which has given a huge amount to world culture and also generously saved our asses here in Britain not once but twice in the twentieth century.

I feel really sorry for all the decent people in the USA whose country is now just a laughing stock. You could say they brought it on themselves though, but that's perhaps a bit harsh, and the same thing could very easily happen elsewhere and far worse has.

by Webrumāros March 19, 2018

11👍 11👎