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Also known as N.R.C-9 (NARC NINE), is a paradigm shift of the past present and future forming one new reality. est. 1.1.2020

it is an amalgamation of the retro past and modern futurism creating this retro modern futuristic timeline. commemorable eras of the 80s, 90s as well as early 2000s come into fruition being reintroduced back into society. Mana (magic) and the Flesh meet with Cybernetics becoming one. technology merging with nature. An astronomical shift in the energy that will awaken the subconscious, an awaking in which "The Video Game" becomes the new reality. that the individuals Level Up and Upgrade their minds, bodies, and spirits.

such anomalies include the rise in non dangerous and digital drug use (vapes) cyberpunk fashion, SWAG-JITSU(future orinetla wear)

aesthetics, neon and glow wear, modifications of retro technologies. the rise in retro gamming. the reuse of older media formats. body modification and DNA alterations. the popularity of Asian cultures such as, Japanese, Korean as well as Chinese. American Indian and European cultures such as Viking and and medieval Anglo-Saxon. the creation of mind enhancement software derived from binaural beats. the philosophizing of multiverses and alternate dimensions/realities. the use of magic and abilities being accessible do to growing technology

A new music Genre that best describes the era Neo Retro (new old)

1. trevor something is N30 R3TR0

2. I like that movies are beginning to be more NEO RETRO


4. DUDE that old car that danny fixed up made it Neo Retro

5. i modded , my Sega dream cast with neon lights and added an emulator. its totally N30 R3TR0


7. DUDE these neo retro drugs are awesome

8. dude the past and present becoming one i love N30 R3TR0 CYB3R


by Weeabu-Webel-Wawwior November 4, 2021


Oh-taw-koo boo

1. Also known as an obu (oh-boo), is a nomadic cosplaying merchant that sells anime, manga, and other asain related merch, or items with a nostalgic aesthetic (swag). They tend to dress up as their an unique cosplay or original character. Selling mainly to gamers, weeabus, and, or otakus.

2. In Western lamens terminology, it is the combination of the otaku and weeabu. It's one who has a balanced healthy obsession fore a skill or hobby and have a job unlike their weeaboo prediscesor. Though Primarily interested in the weeaboo cringe culture and stereotype, which they tend to find fascinating and embrace. Drawing inspiration from these degenerates which they admire to an extent.

3. The Opposite of Weeaboo.

Calls themself a




When on duty, as a merchant, reffered to as an,


⏺️obu merch,


Never reffered to themselves as otaku or otakubu.

4. One whom respects Japanese culture as well as other asain culture. knows Japan is not a superior country. understands the difference between Anime and reality are two separate things. Isn't into mainstream anime culture, similar to a hipster, but less pretentious. One that is self aware, as to being highly spiritual. Usually endulges in mild drugs such as weed, alcohol-usually kombucha, tobacco, and mild psychodelics.

Being Defined

1. Beca: "Pete is on duty as an Otaku-Bu when selling merch to weebs:

2. "I only call myself an

Otaku-Bu when asked of my profession or while I'm working, as a merchant. When I'm Off duty I'm just a Weeb or a weeaboo."

3. Peter: "This guy at my college called himself an Otaku-Bu and I called him a Dweeb-abu for being a lying Garfunkel fuck. Like most weebs, he got offended and took his fustration out on his body pillow waifu."

4. "I don't mind being called a Weeaboo for I embrace what I am as an Otaku-Bu"

by Weeabu-Webel-Wawwior February 22, 2020