A word used predominatly by Canadians. See the paragraph in my example.
Last night, I cashed my pogey and went to buy a mickey of CC at the beer parlour, but my skidoo got stuck in the muskeg on my way back to the duplex. I was trying to deke a deer, you see. Damn chinook, melted everything. And then a Mountie snuck up behind me in a ghost car and gave me an impaired. I was S.O.L., sitting there in my Stanfields and a toque at the time. And the mountie, he's all chippy and everything, calling me a shit disturber and whatnot.
Every linked word is a Canadianism.
58π 26π
Men's underwear, especially Grampa style, white cotton with an elastic waistband and large flap on the front.
The cops snuck up on me in the ghost car as I was walking down the street in a pair of Stanfields.
12π 5π
One of the worlds fastest growing extreme sports. The game consists of using markers to propel a animal fat/food colouring filled ball at opposing players. Basically, laser tag, but with ammunition. Paintball can be played in many formats, the two most popular being speedball (professional paintball, played on a field of balloon-type bunkers) and woodsball (played in the bush). Contrary to popular opinion, paintball is one of the safest mainstream sports, safer than baseball or even bowling. Almost all paintball injuries are caused by morons, whether they are stupid enough to remove thier mask during a game, or forgetting to put a safety plug in their gun between games.
I went and played a couple hours of paintball today. I've got a few good welts, but nothing major.
35π 39π
Canadian Club whiskey, not to be confused with a hockey stick, another form of Canadian club.
I went and got a mickey of C.C. and drank it in one shot.
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A Kingdom of Loathing player that has been around forever and probaly will be. Because Boozer has been playing for so long, his is more item rich than anyone else.
Boozer Bear just drove up the price of ramen! That bastard!
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Noun/Verb, pertaining to ice hockey.
When a player passes the puck to a teamate, but miscalculates his speed and puts the pass slightly behind him. This makes the reciever of the pass turn his head to try and catch the pass and leaves him open to a check that will destroy his spine.
The dumbass gave me a suicide pass, and I got hit so hard my head touched my toes.
57π 11π
Swampy bogland. (Or boggy swampland.)
I got the skidoo stuck in the muskeg.
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