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Jenison Junior High school

A school in the little town of spoiled White Christians ran by a principle that is super fun until you say something mildly incorrect then he turns into the spawn of Satan. But, not every thing is bad about this school you can pretty much get weed or alcohol from any of the sevies who have less than point five brain cells. I mean they are running the school like they own the place by blasting music with out the care in the world or just bringing fucking megaphones to school just to say the N-word into because they felt like it. But, once they get told to shut the fuck up by the eighth graders they do even dumber shit like yell coochie as they slam into a fucking locker. But, Mr.Cat-Dildo does jackshit about it until an eighth grader does it then it becomes the law of the land and you get in-house suspension for like month. Either or this god forsaken school cares about it's academics so much that even if the student cries himself/herself to sleep at their computer while doing three hours of homework that was just for one class nothing will be down about it and if your grades go under a C then you will be lucky if you don't get fucking bombarded by the slightly smart sevies taking one eighth grade class. So If you plan to go here, DON'T, RUN, HIDE! Get away as fast as possible unless you want drugs from the sevies or if you want to be in marching band, we have an good one of those.

Mom: I am so excited you are going to the Jenison Junior High School
student: Fuck!
Mom: Hey! we don't say that in my Christian household!

by Welp, I guess it be like that March 10, 2020

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