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Straight man who spends three times as long in the bathroom primping and preening himself than his female counterpart.

Considered a clothing and shoe "horse". Enjoys spending insane amounts of money on "designer" anything. Loves Eddie Bauer, Banana Republic and Starbucks.

Devotes long hours to serious time at the gym sculpting his body. Knows all about fine wines and food. Very discriminating when it comes to his diet. Gestures a lot and seems to get along well in large groups of women. Often preyed upon by gay men at vacation spots.

Loves being pampered, enjoys manicures, pedicures and massages. Gets orthodontic work later in life or plastic surgery to try to further improve appearance.

Good dancer, enjoys playing golf.
Previously considered a "closet queer" by people for many years.

Peacock husband of my friend Adriana.

by Wendora January 18, 2004

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