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and then I got laid

An expression attached to the end of a horribly told or terribly boring story as an attempt to salvage the amusement of the audience.

Last night I was at a party and there was this girls that I thought I new but then when I got a little closer I realized it wasn't the girl I thought it was...and then I got laid.

by WestSideMcFly May 20, 2010

8👍 4👎

Titty Spank

The act of slapping a hard cock against a woman's breasts. Usually incorporated into a titty fuck session.

I was titty fucking this hussy when I snuck in a couple titty spanks here and there to mix it up.

by WestSideMcFly April 14, 2010

10👍 1👎


A term used to describe a friend who is a bro that you are friends with for the sole purpose of using his massive bro truck.

Intelligent people with small cars usually have at least one of these.

Oh, he's me brofriend, he lets me use his bro truck when i'm moving large shit.

by WestSideMcFly December 8, 2010

1👍 9👎