A person who thinks they're so great that they boast about it excessively; to a point of being conceited. Also commonly known as a "Bitch Diva Complex."
"Yo That MuthaFuka Got Skillz I'll Give 'Em That, But That Fool Be Straight Gackalin'!"
A conceited / difficult individual who thinks so highly of themselves and or perceived talent that a negative connotation of being a "Bitch Diva" is applied. Especially when describing a dude who exhibits such behavior, to which the term "Bitch Diva Complex" would be appropriated.
Nigga you think you're all that, but really yo punk-ass gotta Bitch Diva Complex!
When you get pissed about someone's opinion or advice you didn't ask for.
1.Friend: "You know smoking crack is a occupational hazzard"
2.You: "Oh? That's what the last Muthafuka said, But I didn't ask for your advice so Fuck All, Fuck Y'all! "
Usually describes a pesron who talks too much, whether about themselves or about alot of useless shit nobody wants to hear.
I wish that nigga would shut tha fuck up with all that Excessive Lip Flappin'! Nobody cares how big you think you are!