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ok, first off, they don't have 4 cds, they have 3 and one called mate. feed. kill. repeat. which is not the slipknot that now plays, it was a previous one with 7 members. their genre is nu-metal or metal. they are not death metal, and they are not black metal. they wear masks and jumpsuits as everybody knows. their new song sucks and like a third of the people only like duality and/or wait and bleed. i shall say right now that you will be put to death slowly and painfully. they are a great band and all the people that don't like them still listen to rap which is talking to a rhythm, which if you consider that talent, you still live in Alabama, and none of you have heard their music. they are a good band and have talent, even thought they have 9 members, they do that to get the sound desired, not because they can't play with less people. if this appears as the first definition, then don't listen to numbers 10 and 6. 6 thinks their rap metal and industrial. he doesn't know shit, and number 10 is just some faggot who still won't let go that britney spears isn't cool anymore, and hates everything with real talent. slipknot doesn't have fake tits, therefore they got in on talent

slipknot is an awesome band, and if anyone doesn't agree with this, you shall feel the fury and wrath that spills forth from the irate fingertips of Wet Bagels McGee

by Wet Bagels McGee April 22, 2005

14👍 21👎


if you seriously think this is how you spell abstinence, you probably already have a baby

im a hick and can't spell fairly easy words

by Wet Bagels McGee April 22, 2005

157👍 39👎