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A city full of rich hip kids heavy in the indie new age liberal hipster movement coming out of mom and dads basementand funded by their wallets. There is literally so much white guilt in this town you can spread it on a bagel like cream cheese. Also a great place to get some coffee, followed by finding a dead heroin addict in a starbucks bathroom. Portland also has one of the greatest collection of hobo communities. You can't walk through down town without giving out 5 dollars in change, 12 cigarettes and also recieve some new trash ip from one of the above mentioned hipsters. Also do not talk to anyone. They may get offended

God i hope god emperor Trump walls of Portland before mexico.

I went to Portland on holiday to smoke some weed and drink some coffee,and came back with a large dildo collection.

by White-danger July 16, 2017

84👍 30👎