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Declaration made when a high five is missed, or the combo five is awkward, off, or just plain janky.

Ricky declared "Whitefive!" When he completely missed the high five, then botched the follow up dap, bap, "bones it", the "lock it in and put the chain on it".

by Whiteboy B February 25, 2019

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Scooter Brown

Slang term for dope (ice, crack, weed) smoking pipe.

Hey man, will you stop at the store and grab me a scooter brown?

by Whiteboy B March 3, 2019


A not real medical condition that purportedly causes the minerals in your body turn to lead and collect your ass.

I'm in slow motion homie, my ass is dragging, I think I caught the stereophilososism?

by Whiteboy B February 17, 2019


Marrying ones familial uncle.

When she learns that she's pregnant, she also will be getting a Husbuncle.

by Whiteboy B February 27, 2019


A person who sleeps with another for a place to live.

She's not in love, she's avoiding homelessness living as a hobosexual.

by Whiteboy B March 13, 2019

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Zachary disease

A term for an ugly person.

You must have Zachary disease, because your face looks Zachary like your ass.

by Whiteboy B February 17, 2019

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Cooler air temps over warming landmasses causes the condensation of the Boobsweats.

That lady didn't think of the Humidititty level when she picked that shirt today. Boobsweats are commonly referred to a Humidititties.

by Whiteboy B February 27, 2019