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Edward Cullen

A character from the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer.

He is viewed by many readers as extremely sexy and most girls think he would make the perfect boy friend. He is loving, always want to do what is best for his love (Bella Swan), and is polite and level-headed.
He has messy copper hair and his eyes used to be green (!). Now, they change colour depending on how hungry he is, but they go from shades of brown to black, rather than being red beause he's a GOOD vampire. He would never feast on human blood, only animals.

In truth, he is overly protective and a complete creeper. He started watching Bella sleep at night before they even knew each other and stalked her into Port Angeles when they had only had a couple (very awkward) conversations.
He never leaves Bella alone and is an arsehat to her friends because they have crushes on her. (side note-every boy in the series has a crush on Bella because she's amazing like that).

Carlisle, Jasper, and Emmett are all better than Edward Cullen in every way.

So is Jacob.

by WhoNamesAPigAlgie November 28, 2008

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