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A Japanese Cartoon. The STEREOTYPICAL anime usually follows this formula

~Bland male protagonist that makes everyone else in the anime look amazing
~Add a bubbly cute female character that is always happy/acts like a little kid
~Add a brooding character that believes everything is stupid
~Add a villain or two to add tension
~Bland male protagonist develops a relationship with a female that has a colorful personality
~Ending, everything turns out for the best usually

Stereotypical Character
~Big hair that is wildly colorful (think neon green or plum purple)
~Eccentric outfit
~Big Ass Eyes
~Giant boobs (for the ladies)
~Four different kinds of personality's: Bubbly, Brooding, Angst-y, or Delightfully kind hearted

Honestly, if your looking anime on the internet.... I would just watch a few episodes of a couple of different animes (on netflix or hulu) to see if anime is something you would enjoy. Careful though! Because it can be addictive

anime, xxxHolic, Samurai Champloo, Naruto, Fruits Basket, and so much more!

by Whoa..whoa...just whoa November 30, 2012

18👍 11👎