The badasses of the world, if you are have the last name of skibinski you are a whole savage. Very good with getting things done. Horrible when it comes to emotions.
Yo there skibinskis, o fuck lets get out of here.
Guy who plays the game metal gear rising. Can typically see him running and soaping on a school rail. Cames his friends are gay to hind the fact that he is actually gay. No one likes him hanging out with a jeremy makes you want to jam you head though a noose and hang yourself. Has a big dick and is unknown to most people. "Yeah I know him but I dont know him" literally sonic the hedgehog. Sucks tons of cock all the time. And most importantly does wear pants, only shorts.
"Dude was that jeremy, what I dont know I never seen him" "yeah jeremy kicked his ass while using edgy game quotes" "I want to see Jeremy's dick"