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1: A internet meme started and shared between two retards who didn't have auto correct
2: A term or expression of exhaustion during anal intercourse (mostly with a 9 inch dildo).

1: "I'm so dond with you" "Done*" "No nigga is Dond forever" "Dond Dond Dond Dond Dond Dond Dond"
2: "Aw shit, Dond!"

by Why do you want to know me? August 18, 2016

1👍 1👎


A player. A Connor hops girl from girl to girl. He also tries the make people laugh, but normally fails, while still managing to get the credit.
He can make/tries to make most people happy, unless he is in a bad mood, then a Connor will yell at you till there is no tomorrow.

Anon 1: Who is that guy over there talking to my girlfriend?
Anon 2: dude, that's Connor. Good luck ever getting your girl back!

by Why do you want to know me? April 3, 2016

2👍 5👎