Forced Rape: intercourse by forced sex, without consent or acceptance.
By the other person, or said family or other person being objectively raped.
Turned into a whore, in the eyes of public society.
Cosby: Doobidy! Doo! Wow! Zow! Bing! Bang! In! The! Hole!
Cosby rape: Wow! Zow! My! Mad! Cat! My! Big! Stick! Is! Ready! For! The! Vanilla! Pudding!
These Cats! Let! me! Do! Anything! Cus! im! African!
*Travon martin*
*OJ Simpson*
Rape: forcibly taking, someone to the back room.
for impregnation, in the genetic womb.
Cosby rape: i doobidy, doobidy doo! u,ooooooooooo! in da' bed.
Cosby rape: just like, travon martin, and OJ simpson.
i'm not guilty, because im african. "The exception of society"
Cosby: i dun! did it! to your daughter! Woobity, woobity sow! Wop!