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Inspired by the legendary Bomont Beanis. To get destroyed or trolled.

Timothy beat Jon in a game of hockey so he said "get beanised Jon!"

by Wikimind February 23, 2021


Term used by developers when they have both reviewed and merged a pull request

Bob I reverged your pr, no changes needed.

by Wikimind September 7, 2021


The feeling given off by a friend with thick, well nourished hair, that’s fun to play with.

How would you describe Zach’s hair?

I don’t know, it’s very schwofty.

by Wikimind October 22, 2019


Description for someone’s hair that is wavy, swishy, and poofy.

His hair is very schwofty. I don’t know, it’s something magical though.

by Wikimind October 22, 2019


The act of being in the state of Beanis - the utter defeat by the great Bomont Beanis

Get beanised Jon!

by Wikimind February 24, 2021


Developer term for review and merge

Can you reverge my pr?

by Wikimind September 15, 2021