Source Code


Main Entry: Af·ro-De·ni·al
Pronunciation: 'a-(")frO di-'nI(-&)l, dE-
Function: noun/adjective
Etymology: The Boondocks Comic Strip (1999)
: a psychological affliction wherein patients exhibit self-dilusional behavior, believing they have straight flowing, european supermodel type hair -- thereby refusing to accept the coarseness, thickness and/or nappiness of their actual hair.

Jazmine: I don't care what you say. I DON'T have an AFRO. I don't, I don't, I DON'T.
Huey: *sigh* How sad.
Huey: You're clearly suffering from "Afro-Denial." Textbook Case.
Jazmine: What!!?
Huey: This looks serious, I better start planning the intervention.
Jazmine: Afro-Denial?

Jazmine: There's no such thing as "Afro-Denial." I bet you made that up!
Huey: Wait ... here it is.
Huey: AFRO-DENIAL: A psychological affliction wherein patients exhibit self-dilusional behavior, believing they have straight flowing, european supermodel type hair -- thereby refusing to accept the coarseness, thickness and/or nappiness of their actual hair.
Jazmine: Well I think you and your book are STUPID. SO THERE!!!
Huey: Hmm... Sounds like "Ethno-Ambiguo Hostility Syndrome"...

by Wikkid Dragon March 5, 2006

76👍 16👎


Main Entry: Af·ro-De·ni·al
Pronunciation: 'a-(")frO di-'nI(-&)l, dE-
Function: noun/adjective
Etymology: The Boondocks Comic Strip (1999)
: a psychological affliction wherein patients exhibit self-delusional behavior, believing they have straight flowing, european supermodel type hair -- thereby refusing to accept the coarseness, thickness and/or nappiness of their actual hair.

Jazmine: I don't care what you say. I DON'T have an AFRO. I don't, I don't, I DON'T.
Huey: *sigh* How sad.
Huey: You're clearly suffering from "Afro-Denial." Textbook Case.
Jazmine: What!!?
Huey: This looks serious, I better start planning the intervention.
Jazmine: Afro-Denial?

Jazmine: There's no such thing as "Afro-Denial." I bet you made that up!
Huey: Wait ... here it is.
Huey: AFRO-DENIAL: A psychological affliction wherein patients exhibit self-dilusional behavior, believing they have straight flowing, european supermodel type hair -- thereby refusing to accept the coarseness, thickness and/or nappiness of their actual hair.
Jazmine: Well I think you and your book are STUPID. SO THERE!!!
Huey: Hmm... Sounds like "Ethno-Ambiguo Hostility Syndrome"...

by Wikkid Dragon March 5, 2006

42👍 19👎


A word that formed from the derogatorative word "nigger". This word is used among many people to say stuff such as "homie", "bro", "friend", "dawg", etc.. It is mainly used within the African-American culture and MOST (not all, I am African-American and don't get mad about it unless it is being used like "nigger". I even get mad when black's use it. =\) get mad when someone without darker skin uses it, but it is also widely used by many other races and cultures.

Black Person: Whatsup cracka?
White Person: Nothin' my nigga!
Black Person: What the fuck man! You don't be comin around here callin' me a nigga and shit!
Me: Shut the fuck up nigga! I don't get so offended by this shit, and as you can tell.. I'm black!

by Wikkid Dragon December 20, 2005

2384👍 1504👎