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The "Three-Week" theory

The "Three-Week" theory is a developmental hypothesis stating that any obsession that occurs past the length of three consecutive weeks will become cemented within the personality and manner of the obsessor.

The "Three-Week" theory begins with an individual learning about or re familiarizing themselves with a certain subject. This subject can be a person, place, thing, or idea. The obsessor throws their entire physical, mental, and spiritual selves into the study, following, and application of said subject. While most cases of hardcore obsession cease after a period spanning anywhere from fifteen minutes to two weeks, the obsessors in these cases prolong their obsession to the length of a three-week period. Once this three week period is hit, the obsession has been proven to occupy a small but significant portion of the obsessors brain. At this point, the impact of the obsession will now become long-lasting, or in some cases, permanent. Most obsessors may be aware after the three-week period that their obsession has reached the point of no return, though some obsessors lack the self-awareness to recognize the unnatural nature of their obsession.

Friend 1: I can't believe Jennifer's still obsessed with Jacob Sartorius. I thought it was just a joke but it's been three whole weeks.

Friend 2: According to the "Three-Week" theory, there's no stopping her obsession now.

by William Bradley Pits May 25, 2021