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Somebody who loves languages they are foreign to.

exo (outside) + lingua (language) + phile (love)

I must be an exolinguaphile because everything I don't understand sounds so exotic to me.

by William_Shakingspear October 15, 2023


The occurrence of frequency ("how often", sorry) between 'uncommon' and 'rarely'

Rarely technically means it never happens anymore and you're just appreciating that you used to, and you'd still like to, and you still could & likely will again.

Uncommon happens, like a habit that is in the process of being developed or broken down.

'Unrarily' is inbetween that. It's supposed to be pronounced just like rarely, but it's just spelled different (in english) so

people wouldn't get confused if they ever happened to come across it.

I'd say like, unrarily happens 5 times a year. Rarely happens once a year, or worse.

I unrarily go to the beach. It's not my biggest concern but it's nice.

by William_Shakingspear October 28, 2023


Somebody who likes Kanye West's music. and still wants to like him, so they do, and it's a problem (shh).

"I say Ye, people are gnawing but im like nah ok (?),

cancel, hansel and gretel, pumpernickel knickerbocker,

Popping shit off, author of smack almanack, orville Reidenbacher,

Nah, me Im not Nazi, Im just a Yatzhee you can't knock me, kill your dying,

Yesayer for life, he has a life, he can't see doesn't mean he's antsy

end of this bullshit Urban Dictionary, you want a picture of realness try knocking off pictures Pictionary"

by William_Shakingspear October 28, 2023


To ponder perturbingly about the former Roman Empire.

Person A: "Honey, try some of this. It's really good".

Person B: "Really? It looks weird".

Person A: "When in Rome...."

Person B: "When in Rome we can eat until we're throwing up and then start a new meal".

Person A: 😒 "Stop Romanating and try the fucking thing".

by William_Shakingspear October 11, 2023


The adverb form of erudite

Sam's well-spoken nature exuded a sense of erudicy

by William_Shakingspear October 16, 2023