When a bandwagon fan all of a sudden starts rooting for the best team in the league, and then makes excuses as to why it should be okay for them to change teams.
Can you believe Nate glidewelled the Braves?
When a bandwagon fan starts rooting for your team, and then your team is then fucking terrible.
Hey Henry, that bandie Nate fucking glidewelled my team this year like he did yours last year!
When a friend says they are going to lose weight and go on a diet, but then never does and posts nasty, unhealthy food everyday.
Man dawg my friend Nate glidewelled me again this year saying he was disgusted with himself about how much he weighs.
When you create a FB group for trolls, invite a bunch of fake accounts who steal personal pics from your FB friends, the trolls then make fun of your friends and harass them, which results in you getting kicked out of every fun FB group you were in, and you then get unfriended from the people who cared about you.
It was so despicable how Nate glidewelled himself by creating the So Mad Bro group on FB that had trolls harass people who cared about him and bought him presents.
When you trick someone into thinking youâre moving into a newly built home in Tennessee.
My homie Nate glidewelled an entire FB group into thinking he was building a house.
A Kempton, IL native, who loves St. Louis, pineapples, Johnny Mo, and Cardinals baseball.
Dr. Cardinal mooned us again on FB Live.
When your favorite sports team starts losing, and you straight ghost everyone to avoid the online ridicule.
Dude , Robert pulled a Schmidt on us again because the Brewers suck!