Maya is an unstable, constantly crashing, hellscape of a software used in CGI for a lot of stuff. Originally developed by Alias Systems in 1998 it was bought up by the devil itself Autodesk Inc (in 2005) who has since then added nothing or outdated features at each release. It is currently the most widespread 3D software in the cinema industry (for now) and has a large range of uses thanks to the frankenstein nature of all the third party plugins that have been bought by Autodesk and shoved into Maya like you would combine a chicken and a cow using crackers and cement to hold the whole thing together.
You can model, rig, animate, light and render in Maya. The other features are shit and subpar compared to other softwares that will be used instead in the pipeline.
The only good "native" renderer equiped with Maya so far is Arnold which is again an old 3rd party plugin reattached to the main program with the talent of a mad gorrila. This renderer has it's own shaders and nodes that are way better than native Maya ones but manage to crash like 50% out of 90% of the time.
If you are working without saving, then may whatever you believe in help you because Maya has no mercy upon your poor soul and you will suffer loosing 5 hours of work to the beast.
John: "Maya didn't crash!"
Sam: "Yet..."