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The wisest of advice givers on all things being a man. After a tough upbringing; part Rhodesian and part military, Royle grew into the manliest, most respectful and integrity bearing human since Chuck Norris. With only slightly sexist and racist undertoneS, ‘Royle‘a Rules’ for life will turn your wimpy pathetic excuse for a son into an outstanding young man primed to repopulate the world and strong arm weak willed business associates. When In doubt ask yourself, ‘what would royal do?’

Ps... all anecdotes or advice will start with, ‘kyle my boy listen here’

*a bully antagonises a young helpless boy*
Any outstanding gentlemen - I could just walk away or maybe I’ll Royle this bully’s ass; I’ll poke him in the chest and tell him my point of view

by Witza December 9, 2019