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Surf fishermen seeking Striped bass that will only fish if they see fish vigorously feeding. They usually are contacted by other blitzmen by cell phone so the can gather and cast frantically.

The Striped bass are blitzing on peanut bunker so the blitzmen will be here shortly.

I see the blitzmen looking thru their binoculars for the fish.

by Wizkaleifer November 5, 2021


The rampant spread of imbeciles and their senseless thoughts and actions on the earth

Imbicilia has run rampant leaving the morons in charge of things.

by Wizkaleifer August 19, 2015


Wide spread trend of people acting in a moronic , idiotic or imbecilic manner.

There are so many morons around now doing idiotic things, I feel like we are in a state of imbecilia

by Wizkaleifer August 19, 2015