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Amongst other things, a derogatory term for a homosexual (US), a cigarette (UK), a snivelling junior pressed into the service of a senior in a boys’ public school (UK).

Cockney Joe in NY:
“Cor blimey, I’m gasping for a fag.”
“Couldn’t spare us a fag, could you guv?”
“Know where I can get some fags round here, mate?”

Yank in Soho (London): “Fag!”
Companion of Yank’s victim: “Give him the cigarette, fluffykins, and maybe he'll go away.”

In the public school setting:
“Where’s Smithers?”
"Licking the floor of my study.”
“How dare you steal my fag, Hobson? It’s pistols at dawn for this!”
“I’m not afraid, I’ve seen you trying to play cricket.”

by Wolfie Mozart April 21, 2012

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