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OwO my UwU

OwO hi! Daw defwinishion of OwO my UwU is when someowne in daw moowd fow UwUing ewxawowple

"OwO whabs dis? I nowticed youw bolgy wolgy fwom acwoss da fwoor! Pwease daddy OwO my UwU! OwU

by Wolfy dog OwO November 15, 2020


OwO da defyishion of hewwo ish when ya get da mood for UwUing somones OwO ewxwamowple

"Hewwo were! OwO whabs dis? I nowtice youw bolgy wolgy fwom acwoss da fwoor UwU Pwease daddy UwU my OwO! OwU!"

by Wolfy dog OwO November 15, 2020

13👍 8👎


UwU! Hi dere you wanna know what dis Means? UwU the wead! uwu ish what fuwwys say whewn day are actinwg fuwwy wike fwor Exawmple

Fuwwy-uwu howwsh it gowwin my fewwow hooman?
Fewwow hooman- not mwuch UwU

by Wolfy dog OwO November 26, 2020