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A word used over work email for an attractive females ass. Basically a cover up to let you get away with saying fine ass butt over work monitored email.

Yo I'd like to put it in the kitchen of the girl in the cubicle next to me.

by Wolverine Jorts November 28, 2009

27👍 41👎


A word used over work email for penis. Basically a cover up to let you get away with saying penis/dick/cock/etc over work monitored email.

Often used in conjunction with "kitchen" (4396317).

Kitchen - A word used over work email for an attractive females ass. Basically a cover up to let you get away with saying fine ass butt over work monitored email.
"Yo I'd like to put it in the kitchen of the girl in the cubicle next to me."

I bet the girl at the front desk wants my deck.

by Wolverine Jorts November 28, 2009

4👍 4👎