Phrase used to describe the act of writing useless software, and not excellent code as what some may believe, after partaking in the consumption of 'several' cold beverages.
Dervied from:
'Stella' coming from Stella Artois, a lager brewed in Belgium and after consuming a few can lead to an altered state of consciousness, and 'Code' as in what Software Developers create.
The act of writing "Stella Code" usually occurs on a Friday afternoon. I.e. after coming back from a "liquid lunch".
User: This software doesn't work anymore?!
Support: That's because it was hacked by John on Friday who is known for his Stella Code.
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relating to something that is completely rubbish. Compare with 'panorama' to describe a wide angled scene, 'pants-o-rama' is used to describe an all round wretched situation.
Filmgoer: "Showgirls was a great film!"
Response: "WHAT???! Except for the high breast count it was wall-to-wall pants-o-rama! Muppet."
Computer User: "This software doesn't work."
Response: "That's beacuse it's pants-o-rama! Muppet."
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