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Noun. Pronounced: "chum'-buh-loan"
1) term originally used primarily in and around the Chicago area to describe a person who is easily tricked into doing something directly counter to their own personal self-interest; 2) since the 2008 presidential election, also applied to anyone outside the Chicago area who exhibits similar incapacity for sound judgment; 3) a person so devoid of common sense that they can be manipulated in any number of ways without having the slightest clue as to how ignorant and/or stupid they are.
Application: Originally applied to lesser-educated Caucasians of lower intelligence who tend to believe anything that government officials and the news media tell them; since the 2008 election, now also applied to better-educated and intelligent Caucasians of all ages and genders who are totally devoid of any street smarts whatsoever, as well as to members of all other races, age groups and genders who also continue to believe whatever is told to them by government and media representatives evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

Synonym: chump, dupe, stooge, imbecile, sucker, idiot, hick, hayseed, moron, roundhead, ignoramus, dumb-ass, dip shit.
Antonym: urban street-wise denizen, intelligent well-versed voter.

Government Manipulator: "I'm doing this for you, because it's really in your best interest." Chumbolone: "Well, heck, gee wiz, OK, why didn't you just say so- just tell me what I should do."

Government Manipulator: "If you give me $20 I'll make your life much better." Chumbolone: "Well, jeez, now you're talkin'- here's $40, so you can make my life twice as good!"

by Woodrow Henry July 24, 2011

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An acronym for the Citizen’s Action Plan of America, a two-phased grassroots blueprint for American voters to utilize to extract revenge against recalcitrant political officials in the 2010 and 2012 general elections. The CAPOA Plan’s first phase, in 2010, consists of the following steps:

1) In 2010, Americans will not contribute any money whatsoever to the Democrat party or to any Democrat candidate for public office at any level of government (federal, state or local);
2) In 2010, Americans will not vote for any Democrat candidate for any office at any level of government on any ballot in any state or territorial possession of the United States; and
3) Beginning immediately, the American people will demand implementation of term limits for every publicly-elected office at every level of government (federal, state and local). In addition to demanding implementation of such term limits, Americans will financially support organizations that promote implementation of term limits, and will directly and personally become involved in assisting such groups to successfully enact such term limits.

CAPOA (I) will then be followed by CAPOA (II) in 2012 to similarly target politicians of the Republican party at all levels of government.
The attractiveness of the CAPOA Plan to voters is its remarkable simplicity. There is no group, no organization or any political party sponsoring it. There is no headquarters, no website, no phone number, no dues, no membership forms, no spokesperson. It is a true grass-roots democratic movement in the truest and fullest sense of the word. It is the millions of Americans who are joining, and anyone and everyone else who wants to be committed to it. It is the people’s movement, and it is designed to achieve the maximum benefit at the lowest possible cost: change- true change- in America’s political system.

To achieve the maximum impact, a citizens’ election action plan must target the group that controls the existing system. Since the Democrats won control of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives in the November 2006 election, they have controlled both houses of Congress. Then, Barack Obama’s election as President in November 2008 resulted in even larger Democrat majorities in both houses of Congress.
Because the Democrats have full control of both houses of Congress and the White House, they are responsible for the present state of affairs and must be held accountable for the on-going failures. However, they have refused to act responsibly and have, instead, ruled with unprecedented arrogance and disregard for the American people.
The American people are getting increasingly angry and more willing to actively demonstrate their disgust with government at all levels. Americans who have, until now, been able to concentrate on providing for their families and focusing on their futures now find themselves having to speak out and openly demonstrate against the government, and look for additional ways and means to express their outrage.

Now, there are two ways to do this: 1) the path our forefathers took in the late 1700s, or 2) a more simple, but profoundly effective, constitutional and peaceful approach. The terms of the members of the U.S. House of Representatives are two years, so all 435 House seats will be up for election in November 2010. Because U.S. Senate terms are six years, one-third of the Senate will be up for election in 2010 as well. In addition, in state elections across the country, a great many governors, state legislators and officers will also be on the ballot. In 2010 there will also be many local elections for mayor and city council, county offices and others as well. So America will have a terrific opportunity to do some badly-needed “house cleaning” in 2010, and voters can take full advantage of that to send a strong, clear and unmistakable message to the politicians.

The Plan.

America now has for immediate implementation the two-phase Citizens Action Plan of America (CAPOA Plan), with a three-step first phase. To achieve maximum effectiveness, the first phase of CAPOA, by necessity, targets the ruling party: the Democrats. Therefore, CAPOA (I) consists of the following steps:
1) In 2010, Americans will not contribute any money whatsoever to the Democrat party or to any Democrat candidate for public office at any level of government (federal, state or local);
2) In 2010, Americans will not vote for any Democrat candidate for any office at any level of government on any ballot in any state or territorial possession of the United States; and
3) Beginning immediately, the American people will demand implementation of term limits for every publicly-elected office at every level of government (federal, state and local). In addition to demanding implementation of such term limits, Americans will financially support organizations that promote implementation of term limits, and will directly and personally become involved in assisting such groups to successfully enact such term limits.
A successful CAPOA (I) will cripple Democrats all across America and send a very strong signal that abuse of the American people and the American system will no longer be tolerated. Now, to remind the Republicans that they should not consider CAPOA to be a partisan program to give them free license to similarly ignore America’s citizens, if necessary, the second phase of CAPOA will target the Republican Party in the 2012 elections with the first two elements of CAPOA (I) listed above. Hopefully, the third element of CAPOA (I) will be well under way by 2012, but if not, then that third element will be added to CAPOA (II) as well.

The Specifics.

The first element of the CAPOA Plan is self-explanatory. Politicians need money to achieve and hold office. Therefore, if Americans withhold contributions to the politician’s campaigns, it will strangle their ability to win elections. So it is essential that no money- not one nickel- be given to the Party targeted by CAPOA phase I in 2010 or phase II in 2012.
The second element- withholding votes from the targeted party- requires a bit more analysis. Using CAPOA (I) in 2010 as the initial example, as voters, Americans will have two main options at the polls as they examine each office on the ballot: 1) vote for anyone but a Democrat, or 2) if, for whatever reason, they are not inclined to vote for one of the other candidates for any particular office, they can decline to vote for anyone for that office- but, whatever, NOT vote for a Democrat. Either way, it is essential for everyone to go to the election polls to vote at each election in 2010, because the total number of voters compared to the number of votes received by the targeted party will then demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAPOA Plan. In other words, when the targeted party sees how many votes they DIDN’T get out of the total number of votes cast in any local, state or federal election, they will then understand how powerful the American people have become.
Now, there will be extenuating circumstances in some cases for some voters. For example, in 2010, a voter’s good friend, relative or associate may be a Democrat candidate or office-holder seeking re-election, and it may be difficult to vote for someone else. Fine- then don’t vote for someone else, just don’t vote at all for that particular office. Yes, it’s true- that would mean not voting FOR that friend, relative or associate, and that may be a hard choice. But, by not voting for someone else, at least they didn’t vote AGAINST their friend, relative or associate either. Remember- the control of legislative committees is determined by which party holds the most seats in a legislative chamber, and leadership and committee chair assignments are then made accordingly. So, for example, a voter may have a “nice” Democrat Congressional Representative or Senator, but by voting for them, voters are also voting to re-elect Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker or Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader- that’s just how the system works.

Many folks are life-long Democrats who will be uneasy with the idea of Republicans possibly benefitting from CAPOA (I). Keep in mind that, if CAPOA (I) has not achieved the desired changes in our governmental system, the Republicans will be targeted with CAPOA (II) in 2012. In fact, CAPOA (II) may actually hurt the Republicans more, because 2012 is also a Presidential election year, and CAPOA (II), if necessary, could doom the Republican candidate for President as well as decimate the party’s congressional ranks and their officeholders at the state and local levels. So, the CAPOA Plan is an equal opportunity “in your face” message to both major parties.
Finally, remember- voters, do not necessarily HAVE to choose only between Democrat and Republican candidates. In recent years an increasing number of “third-party” choices have become available, especially for state and federal offices. Such “minor” parties as the Libertarians and the Greens may be desirable options to consider for several offices on the ballot, and votes for those parties would help to encourage a broadening of our political system.
But, again, using CAPOA (I) as an example, this requires that, in 2010, American citizens NOT vote for any Democrat for any office at any level of government in any election that year. In addition to the national election in November of 2010, several other state and local elections will be held in many states at other times during the year. Several local elections are held in Spring, for example. The point is, in any election in 2010, Americans should NOT vote for any Democrat for anything- not for U.S. Senator or Representative, for state representative, for mayor, for dogcatcher- nothing, none, nada, zilch, zero. And remember, if necessary- if CAPOA (I) doesn’t sufficiently catch the attention of the politicians, CAPOA (II) will subject the Republicans to similar treatment in 2012.
Now, another point- in many local elections, candidates are elected on a non-partisan basis, meaning that they are not running as a Democrat or Republican or some other party affiliation. But many candidates in those elections actually are members of some political party- so voters should try to find out candidates’ affiliations, and not vote for any who may (in 2010) be Democrats. If voters just can’t determine if a candidate has a particular political affiliation, then they should just use their best judgment and do what they feel is right. Or just don’t vote for anyone for that particular office.


There is nothing- absolutely nothing- that elected officials fear more than defeat at the polls. Depriving them of the money to run their campaigns will cripple their election efforts, and the boycotting of votes for everyone in their party will go a long way to assure that their candidates won’t win. And even if those two elements are not completely successful, implementation of term limits will eventually involuntarily remove arrogant officials from their cherished thrones against their wills.
The real beauty of the CAPOA Plan is its remarkable simplicity. To make the CAPOA Plan work, all that Americans need to do is commit to it, and forward this CAPOA Plan outline to everyone they know, to any websites and blogs that may be interested in reviewing and discussing it, and to any news services that may be instrumental in spreading the word about it. That’s it- no muss, no fuss, and it doesn’t cost anyone a penny.
The politicians have ignored American citizens long enough- now it’s our turn to ignore them. For one year- 2010- Americans will refuse to give politicians our money or give them our votes, and we will immediately begin devoting ourselves to establishing term limits to stop the politicians from entrenching themselves in public office. Then, if necessary, we'll do it again to the other party in 2012. Our so-called “leaders” have forgotten what democracy, and America, are all about. This is America’s opportunity to remind them- it will be a rude awakening for them, and a lesson that they will never, ever, forget.
That is the best, simplest, and most effective revenge against the ruling aristocracy that has ignored, mocked and ridiculed American citizens for far too long. The CAPOA Plan will implement a new American Revolution and return control of our nation, our economy and our legal system to its rightful owners- the people. And it will be done peacefully, simply and constitutionally. All that Americans need to do is commit to the CAPOA (I) Plan in 2010, and, if necessary, CAPOA (II) in 2012. It allows Americans to save their money by not contributing any to politicians, and gives voters the opportunity to go to the polls on any election day in 2010 and vote accordingly. That’s it- nobody gets arrested, nobody gets hurt, political responsibility and accountability are restored, and America is returned to its greatness.

The Citizens Action Plan of America (CAPOA Plan) is truly a citizens’ plan. There is no group, no organization or any political party sponsoring it. There is no headquarters, no website, no phone number, no dues, no membership forms, no spokesperson. It is a true grass-roots democratic movement in the truest and fullest sense of the word. It is the millions of Americans who are joining, and anyone and everyone else who wants to be committed to it. It is the people’s movement, and it can achieve the maximum benefit at the lowest possible cost: change- true change- in our political system.
Now, if you support the CAPOA Plan but you just cannot resist the urge to speak out and be more pro-active in registering your discontent about the current state of affairs, fine. If you feel compelled, for example, to attend one of the many growing “tea party” demonstrations across the country, fine- just make sure you take along a protest sign that says “Enact CAPOA Now!”, “CAPOA Now!” or even just “CAPOA!”.
Your attention and interest in restoring America can make this happen. The time is now.

by Woodrow Henry July 30, 2009

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