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Eli (the faggot)

A disappointement to the human race, kids dont dreem, heҀ™ll be raped by satan. He also a fag btw

Hey samuel dont be an eli (the faggot)

by WordMaster60 March 20, 2019

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Piece of wet paper that dries fast and that you can throw at retards

Dam Timmy stop throwing slutts at me.

by WordMaster60 March 20, 2019

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Jonathan (Cas)

A retard that vapes in class

One Moto motoҀ™s best friends

Sells vapes
Got kicked out
Mostly used as an insult
Has good mucis taste

Yo fagamoto, dont be a jonathan (cas) be an Awun instead

by WordMaster60 March 21, 2019