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Having a big ego from spending time with accomplished people. Know somebody who thinks they’re hot stuff because of who they know? That’s your classic wegotist. Wegotists develop wegotism by clinging to the success of others. While contacts are important, true success isn’t just about who you know, but what you can do.

My friend became a broker and now suffers from wegotism because they sell houses to millionaires.

by Wordbux December 22, 2024


The inability to express feelings.

Y chromosomes have been linked to a higher likelihood of alexithymia.

My therapist says I suffer from alexithymia so bad that my emotional spectrum comes across as a gray rainbow.

by Wordbux December 22, 2024


Business that provides no value to the world. Entremanurship prioritizes making money rather than making products that improve people’s lives.

Entremanurship: when the business model is all hustle and no heart.

My friend wants to get rich through entremanurship rather than through solving real problems.

by Wordbux January 2, 2025


Feeling empty of empathy due to caring for someone without getting anything back. Emptythee strikes when you’ve poured your heart into helping someone, but they ignore your efforts or throw them back in your face.

My mom felt emptythee after trying to help someone find a job because every time she got them an interview somewhere, they found some excuse not to show up at the last minute.

by Wordbux June 25, 2024


When a lie snowballs into bigger lies (noun)

Spinflation occurs when more and more lies are needed to cover up for the original lie, or when a lie proves so successful other people start spreading the lie. Spinflation is like inflation, but instead of prices getting bigger, it's the lies that get larger.

Social media can amplify spinflation, where one person's lie spirals into viral misinformation.

by Wordbux January 20, 2025