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Other spellings - Verb: Gurp, Action: Gurping, Megamex Gurping (when the dog is very, very gurpy)
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Definition: when a dog cutely and non-aggressively: lowers its lip to show its teeth, sticks its tongue in and out, moans in relaxation, side eyes someone, playful sneer/raises one side of its lip, and/or closing its eyes. This can happen when the dog is pet on its belly or other enjoyable spot, pet while sleeping, blown on, dislikes something, or wants something. Gurpping can be considered a mood, but usually doesnât last long. Usually small dogs Gurp more often than bigger dogs.
Etymology: Gurp comes from the moan/sound a dog makes when it is gurpy.
Person 1: *Blows on dog softly*
Dog: *gurps*
Person 1: âLol, the dog is so gurpy!â
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Other Spellings: E-Ehwgh (Expressed when some cute
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Definition: Ehwgh is an interjection (abrupt remark) that is usually followed by an exclamation mark. It is said after experiencing something pitiful or extremely cute. Its word usage is similar to eugh, ew, or aw. The person usually throws their head upwards is it is expressed/said. This is similar to a prairie dogâs wahoo or jump-yip.
Etymology: Arose from a strong expression of pity or extreme cuteness.
Ex. 1 -
Person 1: âEhwgh! That little kitten is sooo cute!â
Ex. 2-
Person 1: âHere is the doll I made for you! Sorry that the face is a bit deformed.â
Person 2: âEhwgh!â
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Other spellings - Adjective: Peanty, Title: Peantness (Similar to Princess or Poochness), Beant (Ugly-Cute variation, said with a country accent).
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Definition: When a small female dog is very cute. Usually lavish and fluffy, and possibly wearing a tutu or dress.
Etymology: This word stems from the name Princess which is a common small female dog name. It also comes from the story of Princess and the Pea. Peas are tiny and due to their relation with the word Princess it is spelt; Peant.
Person 1: âOmg! Look at her, she is so peanty! Aww.â