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A state controlled by mafia.

Denmark may be a mafiastate

by WorldRanker June 15, 2022


A state controlled by mafia.

Denmark may be a mafiastate.

by WorldRanker June 15, 2022


A manipulator that works with neurons.
From psychological to neurological and so on.

I am a neuromanipulator, because I have neuromanipulated my own brain to something better.

by WorldRanker August 15, 2022


Logical and abstract psychosis with or without a story.

1. I was driving and I saw a train flashed backwards to where it was very few seconds ago. I didn't even have a drop of rain or some damage on the car.
2. Worlderror, hahahaha.
1. Yeah. Funny. Haha.

by WorldRanker August 10, 2022


A microbiological attack that either has it's own intelligence or is controlled.

Looks around.
Sees weird things in the air.
Moves away.
It follows.
It hits your leg and it hurts.
Calming psychological down and analyzes it.
Finds out that it was a microbioshock.

by WorldRanker August 10, 2022


Somebody that has gotten ranked by a worldmaster or in a worldmasters world/game.
Search worldmaster to understand it better.

1. I'm invited.
2. Noice. Welcome to the meme world.
3. So now we know congratulations worldranker.
4. I remember myself. No invitation just trolling and then wow, wow, wow and woow, and I was in the game.
5. Lucky. I'm zombie.

by WorldRanker August 10, 2022


A manipulator that works with sound.
It can be in different ways:
For tortur.
For information.
For music.
For motivation.
For sleep.
And so on.

Did you know about the spy news:
CIA was a soundmanipulator at global scale. It was insane but luckily somebody found out and made it public. Who knows when we get tricked by watchers.

by WorldRanker August 10, 2022