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Committing Evil for Evils Sake

Got to keep Molech entertained.

Committing Evil for Evils Sake - the Satanic way

by WorseThanHitler November 5, 2020

Lake Charles, Louisiana

This place is a cesspool, thanks to the people! I have never seen so many smokers in my life. And what do you do with the old cigarette butts and ashes in your car, why you dump them at the next red light, of course. I have lived here for almost 2 years and cannot believe the way locals treat there own city. I saw a post that talked about the "Proud" people of this area. Here's how proud they are of the land. Don't take your used motor oil to the auto store to be disposed of properly, do like my neighbor suggested and pour it along your fence line to kill the weeds.....Nice, very nice. This guy has lived here all his life. Maybe that’s why I won't drink the tap water. Ohh, the tap water, every 5 months there is a build up of a black goo around my toilet water and the faucet head. Looks great when you’re washing your hands and this goo comes off into your hands. I asked my neighbor about it and he said it was normal. One of my favorite things is the drive into work every morning over the I-210 Bridge and getting a whiff of that pungent refinery plant brew that continues to be pumped into the air.

Lake Charles, Louisiana. Mmmmmmmmmm, I love the smell of lung cancer in the morning. It's not one of those smells you associate with nature either. If you like the rain then Seattle ain't got nothing on this place. And if it's not raining then it’s humid and hot. Oh, that’s right I forgot. The weather is decent here from November to March, ooooh you get 5 months of cool weather. Oh did I mention this is a college town? Most people think of college towns being pedestrian friendly city's with all the college kids. Not so my friend, try to ride your bike anywhere and you get to join the flow of traffic as they proceed to honk and throw things at you because you’re in their way. I had one lady tell me most of the people she ever saw on bikes around here are usually homeless. Nice huh! Louisiana is called the "Sportsman’s Paradise" well if you consider fishing and hunting a sport then so be it. That’s all they do around here, shoot things and catch things in the polluted water. That's right I said polluted water. Have you seen the number of refineries around the water ways here? About a year ago one of the cargo ships with a load of oil spilled its contents into the water around the lake area where all those beautiful homes are built. 15,000-18,000 barrels of the good stuff. The EPA and coast guard ordered all recreational use of the water banned until the spill was cleaned up.

by WorseThanHitler November 12, 2020

My relatives are so fucking annoying

Some one get them out of my fucking life

I want them out of my fucking life

My relatives are so fucking annoying

by WorseThanHitler December 23, 2020

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No way to be heard

No one understands what I say. What is the point.

Everyone is confused. The world is dying

No way to be heard.

by WorseThanHitler January 17, 2021

Life Goes On

Wake up sleepy head
Time to get out of bed
Rise and shine there's another day ahead
Do you remember last night?
You were on the brewy side
You have plenty of time
To unwise sketches
Oh together and in no time I'll be down at your bar
For the head of the dark
The day is young but the night will come
Come and hit the town and have some fun
I got money to spend
Spend it with my friend
A drink or two or maybe more
Then will be standing out the door
Don't know what night will bring
I can't remember a thing
I think I had something to say

And it went:

La la la la la la la lala
Life goes on
Such a matter of fun
La la la la la la
Life goes on

Beer beer let's have another beer
Everybody is cheering
Cheers cheers lets have another brew
For me, and you
So cheers
To all of you


by WorseThanHitler December 10, 2020

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Play that funky music

Hey do it now yeah hey

Yeah, there was a funky singer
Playin' in a rock and roll band
And never had no problems yeah
Burnin' down one night stands
And everything around me, yeah
Got to stop to feelin' so low
And I decided quickly, yes I did
To disco down and check out the show
Yeah they was

Dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'
And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Lay down that boogie and play that funky music till you die
Till you die, oh till you die

I tried to understand this
I thought that they were out of their minds
How could I be so foolish (How could I)
To not see I was the one behind
So still I kept on fighting
Well, loosing every step of the way

I said, I must go back there (I got to go back)
And check to see if things still the same

Yeah they was dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'
And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Lay down the boogie and play that funky music till you die
Till you die, ya
Till you die

(Gonna play that electified funky music, yeah)

(Hey, wait a minute)
Now first it wasn't easy
Changin' Rock and Roll and minds and things were getting shaky
I thought I'd have to leave it behind
But now its so much better (it's so much better)
I'm funking out in every way
But I'll never lose that feelin' (no I won't)
Of how I learned my lesson that day
When they were dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'
And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Lay down the boogie and play that funky music till you die
Till you die
Oh' till you die

They shouted play that funky music
(Play that funky music)
Play that funky music
(You Gotta keep on playin' funky music)
Play that funky music
(Play that funky music)
Play that funky music
(Come and take you higher, ya)
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right, ya
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right

by WorseThanHitler November 4, 2020

So Into You

When you walked into the room
There was voodoo in the vibes
I was captured by your style
But I could not catch your eyes
Now I stand here, helplessly
Hoping you'll get into me
I am so into you
I can't think of nothing else
I am so into you
I can't think of nothing else
Thinking how it's gonna be
Whenever I get you next to me
It's gonna be good, don't you know
From your head to toe
Gonna love you all over, over and over
Me into you, you into me, me into you

I'm so into you, I'm so into you
When you walked into the room
There was voodoo in the vibes
I was captured by your style
But I could not catch your eyes
And now I stand here, helplessly, yeah
Hoping you'll get into me
I am so into you
I can't get to nothing else
I am so into you, baby
No, no, no come on baby
I'm so into you
Love the things you do
Listen baby, driving me crazy
Come on baby
I'm so into you
Love the things you do
Come on baby
I'm so into you
I'm so into you, yeah
I'm so into you

by WorseThanHitler November 16, 2020

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