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There is no spoon

A phrase in the Matrix that is telling Neo that all problems in this life and dimension are merely an illusion within his mind, so he can’t do anything about this until he stops applying himself subjectively to everything in this world and learns to cope with knowing this information. The spoon is a metaphor for attachment.

There is no spoon. All of your problems are within your own mind.

by WorseThanHitler December 1, 2020

It’s fun to smoke marijuana

The only thing is that I don’t know how to do it

It’s fun to smoke marijuana

by WorseThanHitler January 23, 2021

1👍 1👎

Why are you rigging the votes

Was that you that voted down some of my definitions?

So, why are you doing it?

Why are you rigging the votes

by WorseThanHitler March 13, 2021

Cool places

I want to got to cool places with you
I want to take you cool places tonight
I want to go where nobody's a fool
And no one says uh, "Hey girl, need a light?"

I want to move like this and that
A minimum of chit chat
I never want to cool down, cool down, cool cool cool,
Cool places tonight

I gotta tell you, you're lookin' real good
They let us in so I'm feelin' all right
I like to go where sometimes they refuse
Yeah, I remember last Saturday night

But I'm feeling cooler now
And they could tell we're cooler now
It's obvious we're cooler now, cooler now, cool cool cool,
Cool places tonight

I want to go, I want to go, etc.
I want to go to cool places tonight
I want to go to cool places with you

And after that we'll slip out for a bite
A coffee shop, and toast, coffee and juice
And then we'll sleep 'til 5 p.m.
And start it up all over again
I never want to cool down, cool down, cool cool cool


by WorseThanHitler April 14, 2021

You know what song really sucks?

Absolutely (Story of a Girl) by the band Nine Days.

When I was a kid back in 3rd and 4th grade they would play this song a lot and I thought it was so fucking annoying. That song really gets on my nerves and is super cheesy. It takes me back to the late 90s early 2000s era, and I hated that era.

You know what song really sucks?

by WorseThanHitler December 19, 2020

No hope

For the human race

There’s no hope for most people. See: blind vision

by WorseThanHitler January 7, 2021

9👍 5👎

Let me guess you want me to apologize

Talking about you.

Let me guess you want me to apologize.

by WorseThanHitler December 7, 2020