mmm myes pet froge refers to a GIF caption of a frog being petted that inspired similar GIF captions in early-to-mid 2020. A series of Twitch emotes using the hand petting the frog known as PETTHE Emotes began circulating
*everyone talking about memes*
Nehlyn : mmm myes pet froge
all people in chat : mmm myes pet froge
These people abuse the F*CK out of zeraora character in pokemon unite. The possible things that a zeraora main can do is inconceivable. They will hard carry your team. Zeraora mains are the type of guys you would want to be friends with. In conclusion, Zeraora mains make everybody happy (unless they are on the opposite team).
zeraora mains: im insane at this game bro!
non zeraora main: you are just a zeraora main who abuse the character smh.
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wylodes has a very warm smile and a deep voice. He's a sunshine. Wylodes is also a very soft and also outgoing person. He is the type of guy you would want to be friends with. He can flex on you with his gacha luck and handsomeness, He can get every girl he wants. In conclusion, Wylodes makes everybody happy and he is my sunshine, i would fortnite dance with him until we break our ankles.
wylodes is cool
A server on Discord where you can talk about toenails.
Yui's Borgar Place:
axxer : so they're fi- Oh look my toenails , god fucking damn it.
rin : Look at your finger nails then look at your toenails now look at your face.
rona : lmai
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It started as a small Twitter joke, then became a huge troll cult that includes romanians . They are mostly seen in Discord, Twitter and Reddit making meaningless and cock jokes.
romanian 1 : so are you planning on become a the trollers of romania ?
romanian 2 : yes, definitely. as a member of Romani ancestry community, i shall become a the troller of romania and make memes.
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