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The plural of virus, Viri may not be the correct way to pronounce the plural of virus but many non-words are used on the internet!

Crap I'm infected with viri

by X3R0 September 22, 2006

23👍 54👎


An emo kid smiley.

I'm so emo my wrists cut themselves (///_-)

by X3R0 August 4, 2006

32👍 30👎


Boring, bland, uninteresting

that game is yawnage

by X3R0 July 19, 2006

24👍 6👎


Something complete irc lamers say, because "lol" just isn't kewl enough and Laughing Out Louds actually makes sense to them

<noob> i completly pawned this n00b on CS lols im so kl
<retard> lols

by X3R0 May 14, 2006

30👍 67👎