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1. A popular term across the internet used to describe people who play the video game, Call of Duty. The term is mainly used by people who segregate the Call of Duty Fan Base from the rest of the world, people who play other games(i.e. Halo, Battlefield 3, Gears of War, etc.), or people who just straight up hate the game after hearing that their best friend hates it. It is a mixture of the abbreviation, "CoD" and the word faggot.

2. A bundle of cod fish.

Non-Codfag: Hah. Look at that codfag. He needs to get a life and stop fapping with his controller vibrations.
Non-Codfag 2: I really want to slit that codfag's throat. Fucking retard.

2. Fisherman: It looks like I caught a codfag!

Fish Shop Person: That's a big codfag! Here's your pay for today's catch!

by X3n0 April 26, 2013

30👍 7👎

The Call of Duty Cycle

A cycle used to describe how the Call of Duty community works, how they spend their money, and how they reminisce of the old games they played that they once called the worst game in history.
Step 1: Person buys the newest Call of Duty game for $60
Step 2: Person plays the game for 6 months MAXIMUM
Step 3: Person starts to say how much a piece of shit the game they bought was
Step 4: Person complains on community forums
Step 5: Person reminisces about the last Call of Duty game they bought, the ones before it, and states how good they were.
Step 6: Person waits for the next game, in large hopes that the newest game in the franchise will be better than the last.
Step 7: Repeat.

Person: Dude. For the past years, I realized how much of a crappy title Call of Duty is. I spend around $120 a year plus DLC, rage about how unfinished the game is, and always say how the old games were better. No more of this nonsense! I'm going to get myself a girlfriend, have passionate sex with her, and get my life back on track!

Nosrep: Holy Crap. I think you're the first person I've ever seen exit The Call of Duty Cycle.

by X3n0 April 26, 2013

2👍 1👎