A modern slang word used to mean that you find something funny.
Adding a question mark to the end can imply that something is funny but confusing or concerning.
The term is derived from the idea of laughing so hard you can't breathe, and thus need to call for help. This shares a similar etymology to "Γ°ΒΒΒ," which comes from laughing so hard you die.
Situ. 1:
Person A: Posts a funny video
Person B: HELP
Situ. 2 (Question Mark):
Person A: id smash joe biden fr
Person B: HELP?
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz is all the lettered characters in the English language.
Why do you think it's called the alphabet instead of AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz?
4π 4π
Did you really need to look this up?
- No
- Then why are you here?
- ... Idk.
- Ok... Yor already on Urban Dictionary! Don't waste my time!
-FINE! But you shouldn't have made this then!
- ... That's a fair point...
like saying "Oh butts!" without saying butt
*Bangs head on table* Oh budts!
A trog is a relationship between a dog and the position of a tree.
Both parts of the trog were fairly big.
2π 1π
Do you know Riddle School? Of course, you do you look this up.
-Why did you come in here?
-Correct answer: Bread crumbs and beaver spit.
7π 1π
An acronym for "That Made Me Bust Out Laughing I Cannot Lie."
It is sometimes called "The new LMAO," as it is commonly used when one actually laughs at something.
Person A: i just let out the biggest load to B's mom
Person B: bro wtf
Person C: tmmbolicl